This Friday, November 3, we will celebrate Pumpkin Fest at our Academy. All children will be working with the pumpkins they brought, and our menu will include delicious pumpkin soup, as well as pumpkin and carrot cake!

What's new at the Academy?

Handicraft workshops at the Academy - take part! 28.11.2024 Handicraft workshops at the Academy - take part!

All parents are invited to lead a craft workshop in preparation for the Charity Christmas Fair! We encourage you to lead or help with workshops...

Montessorek - a new dwarf on the map of dwarves 22.11.2024 Montessorek - a new dwarf on the map of dwarves

We have great news for all enthusiasts of Wrocław's dwarves. Montessorek has joined the dwarf family! Montessorek is accompanied by a distinctive...

Learning the secrets of film make-up 14.11.2024 Learning the secrets of film make-up

It can be said that sometimes film make-up is a kind of embellishment to make a film uglier and scarier, and at the same time terrifyingly...