The conference on 'A World Without Water' organised by Tikkun Olam School is behind us.

During the conference, our students presented various ideas for saving and purifying water, such as a mechanical stratified treatment plant, a system for purifying water by evaporation and condensation, and a water turbine. They also performed experiments with butane, which showed that water has a cooling effect on the surface of the globe. Without water, we would have evaporated long ago!

We attended many interesting lectures and met interesting people involved in aquaponic installations, among other things.

It was a great adventure and a good opportunity to practice public speaking and presentation skills of our own work.

We would like to thank the Tikkun Olam school and Mrs Dorota Kwiatkowska for organising this event and the other schools for their joint participation.

The earth is one and we must take care of it together!

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